Lose Weight Naturally & Comfortably
We’ve helped hundreds of clients to naturally and comfortably change their conditioned relationship with food and as a result, to naturally lose weight and feel altogether better within themselves.
Most of our clients weight problems emanate from the fact that they eat when they are bored, lonely, miserable, stressed, angry or any number of other emotional scenarios, NONE of which have anything to do with physical hunger.
I have lost just under 3 stone so far......thank you so much Kirsten
We all have a propensity to bury our feelings in food, but if we eat because of emotional hunger, our bodies will never feel satisfied because no amount of food is going to change the way we feel – ultimately, it will only end up making us feel worse.
Kirsten was so supportive and encouraging that I have now lost 2 stone 10 pounds and I feel great
Through our results orientated approach, we’ll help you revert to the way you were designed to be, where food, whilst still being enjoyed, holds little emotional value beyond being fuel for your body.
Change Your Relationship With Food
Over a combined 35 years of weight loss therapy, using rapid and dynamic techniques, we’ve helped hundreds of clients to feel free and liberated from their old eating habits and behaviours.
Kirsten helped me shift weight that I’d tried to shift for a decade
Our total commitment is to help you ensure that your old relationship with food that has had so much control over you, easily and comfortably becomes a thing of the past.
There Are No Magic Wands!
Whilst there are no magic wands, for most clients change will occur naturally and rapidly as a result of them undertaking one, some, or all of the following:
- healing old emotional injuries
- changing core beliefs around food
- focussing on what they want in life (rather than what they don't!)
- learning AND INTEGRATING new insights, skills and perspectives around their own emotional health
- showing some genuine courage and tenacity
In this regard it would be our pleasure to help you help yourself change now!
Please do take some time to read some reviews from Trustpilot - this will give you a much better sense of who we are, what we do and all importantly, the results we consistently help our clients achieve.
So if you would like some help to change your relationship with food so you can comfortably and naturally lose weight, call 020 7485 5745 or hit the button below and fill our our quick enquiry form.